The Slow Drip of the Present
Five weeks after arriving back home from a month in Spain and France, I am finally giving in to false starts and indecision concerning...

Timing is (Almost) Everything
Just like babies, projects, dreams, plans, and the events of an ordinary day have their own peculiar timing. Our friend’s baby came two...

Rooted in Our Own Identity
“Be yourself; everyone else is taken.” — Oscar Wilde I often write about stories in this blog, how stories of the past can seep into the...

Being Part of the World
“You are definitely ready… to [plumb] the depths of your adoration for the privilege of being alive.” — Rob Brezny Earthquakes, tsunamis,...

Poetry, the Brain and Staying Sane
“Only one thing is necessary to write poetry: everything.” — spoken by the character Atillio in the film The Tiger and the Snow (Roberto...

Musings on a Snowy Spring Equinox
I left off writing here last December (just short of the winter solstice) with a note saying I’d return in a month with a new blog...

The Long View
They want a wilderness with a map but how about errors that give a new start? Or leaves that are edging into the light? Or the many...

The Wisdom of Wholeness
Wabi Sabi is the Japanese aesthetic and living philosophy that states there is beauty in imperfection, impermanence and incompleteness,...

Unfurling to Your Own Rhythm
This tightly wound leaf will one day unfurl into being, a luscious green companion to its neighboring leaf. Yet it can’t be hurried...

Questions as Fuel
How can I go forward when I don’t know what way I’m facing? / How can I go forward when I don’t know what way to turn? – John Lennon,...