Simple Wishes for Complicated Times
Walk around feeling like a leaf. / Know you could tumble any second. / Then decide what to do with your time. - Naomi Shihab Nye This...

To Say What We Love
“We cannot win this battle to save species and environments without forging an emotional bond between ourselves and nature as well – for...

Compassionate Power
It is empowering and connecting to speak from our own wisdom and knowing, drawn from the deep well of our experience and clarified...

Autumn Equinox Meditation
Sometimes all it takes is…one beautiful wrist movement synchronized with the head and heart…” – Helen Frankenthaler Helen Frankenthaler...

A Call to Calm
“I define calm as creating perspective and mindfulness while managing emotional reactivity.” —Brené Brown I showed this quote to someone...

Time Travel
"Begrudge time and it will turn its back / on you like a dead secret. But bathe, kiss, enter, bow. Immerse / yourself in the time you...

Some Thoughts on Purpose
purpose: from porposer “to put forth.” (from etymonline.com) “I don’t know my purpose“ is one of the most common — and plaintive...

The Slow Drip of the Present
Five weeks after arriving back home from a month in Spain and France, I am finally giving in to false starts and indecision concerning...

The Power of Commitment
As I prepare to leave for the Spacious in Spain women’s retreat my friend Stephanie and I have been nurturing for over a year, the pace...

Lesson From Madrid
“This is good advice for life in general. Look up from the screen. Who knows, in looking one another in the eyes again, we might begin to...