Being Present
“Everything’s there for me, but me.” This was the intriguing opening statement* by a client during a recent coaching session. Being able...

The Art of Waiting
The artistry of waiting lies in discerning actions and non-actions. Imagine sitting on a lavender-blue bench in the late afternoon sun...

Paradox and What Matters
Since mid-December it has been a time supported by others’ words. Three weeks ago I was going to write about something other than...

A friend emailed the poem Kindness just as the week began to go crazy, and it was only kindness that gave light and clarity to each...

The Art of Choosing
When choosing becomes imminent—be it a seemingly large or small choice—quietly sitting for a while with all of the options allows the...

The Sweet Wildness of Road Trips: Part 2
“You never knew which split second might be the zigzag bolt dividing all that went before from everything that comes next.” – Barbara...

Living the Answer
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are...

Upside Down and Praying
At some point a few days ago my thoughts turned negative, judgmental, and deafening in my head. The word hate became the verb of choice....

A Call to Calm
“I define calm as creating perspective and mindfulness while managing emotional reactivity.” —Brené Brown I showed this quote to someone...

Some Thoughts on Purpose
purpose: from porposer “to put forth.” (from etymonline.com) “I don’t know my purpose“ is one of the most common — and plaintive...