Landing on Our Feet
"To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest." - Pema Chödrön Traveling for the last...

The Alchemy of Letting Go
The pilot’s voice sounded light-hearted as he announced, “Please fasten your seat belts. We’ve been advised there will be some turbulence...

A Celebration of Calm
Today I am celebrating nine years of Calm. Over the last six months, these nine years of coaching, writing, workshops, and embodying calm...

New Moon Meditation
The new moon can be a time of renewed commitment, a time for fine-tuning and discernment after inevitable changes that take place in the...

In Search of Equilibrium
A friend wrote a few weeks ago saying she couldn't sense any equilibrium coming her way. I wrote back that maybe right now life felt...

The Practice of Unfolding
“I find my ideas and visions taking longer to bear fruit—a slowing down and [feeling like I'm] getting less ‘done’—[the] work now is to...

A Call to Calm
“I define calm as creating perspective and mindfulness while managing emotional reactivity.” —Brené Brown I showed this quote to someone...

Deep Ease
Like pushing the proverbial stone up the mountain only to have it roll continuously back down, the many details, commitments, and...

Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thought nor measure words, but pouring...

Light as the Clouds
I facilitated a Writing Toward Wellness workshop in northern California in May. The day was spent exploring writing and poetry as an...