Passing Love Forward
"A story is a living thing; it moves and shifts." - Pat Conroy - While looking through the perfume bottles I inherited from my mother,...

Connected to Wonder
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” - John Muir - It was Thanksgiving...

Falling Through to Calm
“the more I wear this story of myself, the more it grows thin, ravels, a sweater filled with holes— I fall through them.” - Rosemerry...

The Extraordinary Ordinary
“. . . I’ve come to honor a deeply held assertion that ordinary everyday life is, in truth, extraordinary.” - from The Book of Calm - I...

Clarity, Compassion, and Choice
“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” - Ansel...

An Autumn Blessing
When my friend Cinda handed me this shell, she said, "This is a reminder for you to stay open to possibilities." How had she known I...

Now in the Unknown
“Perhaps God made the world round so we would not see too far ahead." - Isak Dinesen - It is 5:50 am. My sleeping husband, the dogs...

Being Deliberate
“We think of time as passing, but to inhabit time implies to know it as breath and awareness.” - Katherine Thanas* - For days it’s been...

Staying Awake
" . . . Be kind, but be fierce. You are needed now more than ever before . . ." —Winston Churchill. I am not feeling particularly calm...

Querencia—The Safe Place
Querencia comes from the Spanish verb “querer” — to desire. Querencia speaks of a safe place, where I gather strength, and therefore...