The Long View
They want a wilderness with a map but how about errors that give a new start? Or leaves that are edging into the light? Or the many...
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thought nor measure words, but pouring...
Meditation on Joy
“If you think that the truth can be known from words, if you think that the sun and the ocean can pass through that tiny opening called...
The Gravity of Thoughts
“What if a thought is an actual thing, a measurable entity, with a measurable mass?…Well…if a thought has mass, then a thought exerts...
To Listen More Than We Speak
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. — Epictetus, Greek philosopher, 55-135 A.D. Woods Hole...
Light as the Clouds
I facilitated a Writing Toward Wellness workshop in northern California in May. The day was spent exploring writing and poetry as an...
Finding Center
On April 28th I wrote a post titled Embracing Edginess. In it I quoted Pema Chodron from her book, Practicing Peace in Times of War: If...
Reaching Toward Connection
I’ve been living out of a suitcase this month, visiting family and friends and shivering my way through Nevada, California and Idaho....
Keep it Simple
Remember to try new things. Remember to be quiet sometimes. Remember to love despite the obstacles. Remember to laugh and play with the...
Embracing Edginess
I just received wonderful news. A cyst was removed, and the final pathology report declares it is benign. One would think I’d be shouting...